October is Breast cancer awareness month if you are planning an event and fancied knitting a boob to raise awareness you can get a pattern (and donate your finished boobs) from Bliss or from Loving Hands  They are certainly conversation starters. If they can be used to demonstrate how to breastfeed there is no reason why they can’t be used to show women how to check their breasts correctly too.

Knitted boob


… for the Bliss/Knitting Institute Preemie set design competition … and I didn’t win.

The Winner!

The Winner!

The winning set is very cute and by Teresa Channell. I love the little button and strap detail on the booties and the cardigan looks as though it is knitted in one piece.


The blurb in the magazine states that they had a very long shortlist and there was a picture of the judges looking at the entries – I spied my set in the bottom right hand corner (the green one with the mistake in – eek). I’ve tried to take a photo (below) but it isn’t very clear. The top 3 entries are going to be put on the Bliss website as patterns for people to use when making premature baby sets for hospitals.

My entry?
My entry?

If you’ve had a go at my pattern please let me know how it worked out – it was my first attempt so I am eager to learn more.