As you are reading this I will probably be stuck in a traffic jam on my way South West to Bath. I will be frustrated because I am driving and my 4 year old will be asking to stop for a ‘wee wee’ every half an hour. I hate traffic, especially since we moved from the South East to the Midlands. I have an overactive imagination which means I can see accidents happening, even when they aren’t, so by the time I get to my destination I will be a nervous wreck. Over the last year I have managed the problem of being ‘the nervous passenger’ by taking my knitting along – I can honestly say it has saved my marriage (well made it a little less strained). I can knit happily – paying attention to the pattern rather than the road whilst still not getting travel sick. I normally reserve small projects for long trips – like knitted boobs or preemie cardigans.

Knitting on the M25

Knitting on the M25

Do you think this counts as extreme knitting (if not you haven’t experienced my OH’s driving)? Unfortunately I can’t knit and drive (though I may have a scarf stuffed in my bag in case traffic reaches a standstill).

Can anyone recommend any good wool/yarn shops in Bath?